How do Civil War reenactment units get their names?
From actual Civil War units. In our case, the 71st Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry Regiment was part of Philadelphia Brigade, 2nd Corps, Army of the Potomac.
Do you reenact actual battles of the Civil War?
At most events, a particular battle or action is reenacted. An example: Pickett’s Charge from the battle of Gettysburg.
Do reenactments take place on actual Civil War battlefields?
The rules and regulations at most Civil War battlefields don’t allow reenactments to take place on the actual battleground. Most reenactments take place on private and public lands close to actual Civil War battlefields.
What are the requirements for membership in the 71st?
You must fill out an application, be approved by the 71st PA membership at a monthly meeting and pay your dues. Dues are currently $55.00. ($35.00 to the unit, $5.00 to the ongoing flag fund, and $15.00 for social membership at the Hatfield American Legion for those 21 years and older)
What are the objectives, principles and philosophies of the 71st?
Portray, as accurately as possible, a military unit of the United States Army of the period from 1861 to 1865 in order to educate and inform. To follow the guidelines as set out in our Constitution and Bylaws. Follow the safety and conduct rules and regulations as set out by our unit, event organizers and our governing organization.
Where and how often do you meet?
Meetings are held monthly on the second Tuesday of the month at the Hatfield American Legion (2100 Koffel Rd. Hatfield, PA) 7:30PM.
What do you do at the monthly meetings?
Discuss and vote on business matters, events and issues important to the unit.
Are you required to attend the meetings?
There are no requirements to attend a certain number of meetings or events. However, in order to stay current on unit business and activities, we encourage the membership to try to attend at least some of the meetings.
How many events are there per year?
Approximately, 6-10 overnight living history and reenactment weekends, in addition to a number of parades, ceremonies and 1-day living history activities.
Is there an age requirement to be a member?
All ages are welcome to participate. Anyone under the age of 18 must join with a parent or guardian. In order to carry and fire a weapon, as a soldier, you must be 16 years old.
How much does it cost to get equipped?
Items can be borrowed to help a new member get started. Once you begin to assemble your basic military kit, you will need to spend approximately $1,500.00 for the following basics; a rifle, leathers, trousers, shirt, coat, hat, shoes, canteen, and socks. Civilians, woman and children need a period dress, shoes and a hat.
Where do I buy my clothing and equipment?
From vendors called Sutlers. Sutlers sell military and civilian items to reenactors. They set-up shop at reenactment events and sell on the Internet. The veteran members of the unit can be very helpful when buying your equipment.
What if I cannot afford to buy all of my clothing, uniform and equipment at once?
New Members can borrow items from the unit’s equipment inventory to help keep the initial costs down. Borrowed items are returned as you purchase your own.
How do I learn the maneuvers and to fire my rifle?
The unit schedules a number of drill sessions throughout the year. These sessions are for the new recruits and veterans to learn and sharpen their skills. At your first event, you will be able to participate safely as you continue to learn while doing.